Monday, February 21, 2011

Necessity is the Mother of Invention!

I'm sure this has been done before, but I am quite "chuft" with my idea to solve the problem of releasing the warp beam to advance the warp on the "Starship Enterprise" size loom.
Here you can see the pulley that lifts the cord to disengage the pawl on the back ratchet.  It is normally attached to a long wooden handle that lifts both the cloth and warp pawls.  This loom has a ratchet and pawl on either side of each warp beam and cloth beam.  It is physically impossible to release the two opposite pawls at the same time.  I figured a way around it ~  as seen below, the cord is attached to the back pawl and through the pulleys to the cloth pawl.  I then looped an additional cord which travels through an eye hook underneath the beater support, and across to the other side where this is repeated.

Here the second cord is diverted through an eye hook and  accross the front of the loom.

Adjust the slack so that when gently tugged, the two back pawls release simultaneously.  A more severe tug will release all four pawls at once!  I love it!

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