Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Gentle Reminder From the Universe

Haven't thought too much about weaving projects.  In fact I have been cleaning out some of my looms, thinking about downsizing.  I have my keepers and my aim is to computerize my smaller Finnish loom.  Then just as I was filing weaving away for the next few months, I received an email from a owner of the store at which I teach a beginners weaving class asking if we can schedule January classes.

Yesterday I also spied some lovely holiday baskets which I thought would make great containers for holiday towels for the ladies in my family.  So maybe this weekend I can post about a new kitchen holiday towel warp and its progress.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Remember the Pickle?

Today my brother in law is visiting, he loving all things Irish, this will be an appropriate gift for his birthday.  The colors are well suited for an Irish theme.  Scarf is washed and drying ready for final burling.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'll Post Some Weavey Stuff Soon - I Promise!

Sigh, I'ts only Wed.   Hope to have something pretty and interesting to look at that is totally fiber related next week!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

When This Week Is Over

........ I will clean my house, laundry, reorganize my bedroom, finish the drawloom set up and take photos of all the equipment I am selling for potential buyers and make some holiday goodies .... the problem is, I still have to get through this week.

Friday, November 11, 2011

What do ya mean "it's almost Thanksgiving?"

YIKES, that went fast!  My family lives in England, so in my "pre-slave" days when I was a stay home mommy, the house would be getting prepped for the holidays and Christmas pictures for the Christmas cards would be ready - all to be mailed by Nov 20th at the latest!

But now alas, with 3 children across the board age wise (one thinking about college) and a near full time job teaching little ones, and weaving and going back to school for a different certification, things are, lets say, a little unorganized!  I have backed off my teaching of weaving and have not done a single show this year.

It is my favorite time of the year but it is also coming at me like a freight train.  Here is the sched for next week:

Organize a Thanksgiving Feast for an entire school (3 other teachers involved)
Make Thanksgiving decorations for the pre-schoolers
Take number one son to hopefully get braces off
Take both boys to CCD
French Tutor
Soccer Practice
Baseball training
clothes for # 1 sons Confirmation next week
book restaurant
get cake
Pick up High Schooler and drive her to Big Sister, Photo Club etc
(Ok, we are only up to Wed so far)
attend son # 2's teacher conference
get daughter something to wear for Confirmation
get something for me to wear for Confirmation
Attend a friends housewarming
study for a MAJOR test next weekend
clean for company coming in for Confirmation

get the image - yeah... that's the one....where smoke is coming out of my head, because I still didn't cover laundry, housework and dinner!

AND I still haven't thought about Christmas cards!  But the best part is..... after next weekend - no more studying!  and on Thanksgiving it is my BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!

So - being the optimist I will look forward to Thanksgiving week, a couple of days off and a celebration with my family.

Naked looms will have to stay that way and there may not be any "woven gifts" this year.  But I count my blessings.


Monday, November 7, 2011

I'd take a picture but it went so well with what I wore today!

As I am in "no show" (as in fairs) mode, I am enjoying the fruits of my labor!  The deflected double weave scarf I made is really quite nice.  It is light and comfortable and goes really well with my charcoal shirt!  So folks, I did not snag a photo of it using Lovely Lola, maybe later in the week when it's time to do laundry and I am out of clothes that go with my scarf!

Spent several hours studying and making flash cards for a class I am taking.  It sure is harder when you get older to learn a lot of new terminology!


Saturday, November 5, 2011

It All Looks Rather Confusing?

The problem with this style of drawloom set up is - 2 warps initially and two sets of harnesses to be threaded!  I chose gold and brown carpet warp (strong and inexpensive) and the warp is in blocks of 10 threads per color alternating for 360 ends.  Now it has to be beamed and I need an apron for the overhead drawcord beam.

As I am studying for a fitness certification - it may be another week before I get to it.